Thursday, May 13, 2010

High Cholesterol Foods

Many of us enjoy greasy, heavy foods on a day to day basis. The problem is that these type of foods are most likely high cholesterol foods and as such are not particularly good for you. What makes certain foods high cholesterol foods is the amount of saturated fat they contain. Saturated fat has the rather undesired effect of raising the levels of LDL cholesterol found in your bloodstream and as such increases the risk of heart disease and many other health problems. LDL cholesterol is the bad cholesterol that you have probably heard about on the news and in a great many adverts promoting low cholesterol products.

It is important to realise that any food that is high in saturated fat is a high cholesterol food. Saturated fat causes the liver to produce LDL cholesterol which once in high enough concentration, will start to be deposited on the arterial walls as plaque. Over time the arteries narrow and harden thus causing heart disease.

The definition of a high cholesterol food therefore, is a food that has a high level of saturated fat contained within and not the amount of cholesterol contained in the food itself.

For example, take the great Full English Breakfast, this consists of bacon, sausage and eggs amongst other things. It is widely known that eggs are particularly high in cholesterol but in truth, the cholesterol in the eggs has little if any effect on the amount of cholesterol found in the blood stream. It is the saturated fat in the sausages and bacon that has a far more profound effect on the levels of LDL cholesterol found in the bloodstream.

It is also important to think about the way in which the food has been prepared and its effect on the foods saturated fat levels. Let us take the humble fish dinner for example. It is widely known that fish can be very good for you as it contains omega 3 fatty acids and these have many health related benefits. The problem lies in the way the fish is often prepared, being battered and then deep fried which then makes what was a healthy, low fat meal full of unwanted saturated fat.

It is not a hard and fast rule that high cholesterol foods are bad for us, in fact some foods with high levels of cholesterol are considered to be rather good for us and, if eaten in moderation can form part of a healthy diet. The problem occurs when these foods are combined with high levels of saturated fat.

Thankfully many processed food producers are beginning to move away from the use of saturated fats as an ingredient and are looking more towards the inclusion of polyunsaturated fats which are much better for us.

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